Random IRC quote :      <Tarako> mientras un negraco de 40cm de verga te masajea la prostata, no ? <madalenasbuenas> eso debe ser la oxtia

Thanks for all the fish!

Fravia, una de las personas que más ayudó a divulgar el conocimiento de la ingeniería inversa, y que ha sido – y sigue siendo – fuente de inspiración para muchos de nosotros; se encuentra, desde el día de ayer, 3 de Mayo, jugando a «reversear» los secretos de los Dioses o lo que sea que haya donde quiera que esté.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!


14 Comentarios para “Thanks for all the fish!”

  1. ero
    Comment por ero | 05/04/09 at 11:33 am

    aprendí tanto, de tantas cosas…! gracias fravia!

  2. Comment por inocraM | 05/04/09 at 3:36 pm

    Requiem aeternam dona ei domine.
    Et lux perpetua luceat ei.
    Requiescat in pace.

  3. Comment por remains | 05/04/09 at 6:14 pm

    Gracias Fravia por toda esa gran labor irrepetible. Personalmente te recordare como a un maestro, tal vez el único maestro de verdad que he tenido. Hasta siempre, te llevo conmigo…

  4. Comment por coder | 05/05/09 at 4:55 am

    Sic transit gloria mundi.

  5. Comment por Ruben | 05/05/09 at 7:40 am

    Sit tibi terra levis

  6. Comment por Amian | 05/05/09 at 8:01 am

    menuda chingada

  7. Comment por Mario | 05/05/09 at 8:07 am


  8. Comment por Hugo | 05/05/09 at 9:58 am

    Gracias Fravia

  9. Comment por erg0t | 05/06/09 at 1:07 am

    Ahora si termina de desaparecer una epoca y un movimiento al cual debo mucho no solo por el conocimiento adquirido, sino por el placer que sentia mientras aprendia. Ojala los mirrors sigan en pie por mucho tiempo con tanta info valiosisima.

  10. Comment por raimon | 05/06/09 at 11:27 am

    Parece que fue ayer cuando empezamos los dos en el mundo del reverseo, al final nos enfadamos por un lío de faldas con una low-leveler checoslovaca, y aunque nos fuimos separando yo siempre le recordaba con afecto….
    Le dedico este soneto:

    hack the heaven
    hack the hell
    anything goes
    But hack my friend!!

  11. Comment por plusvic | 05/07/09 at 5:25 am

    «The brightest flame burn quickest». Una pena.

  12. Comment por Don Quijote | 05/07/09 at 5:57 am

    Querido Fravia,

    Andá preparando el terreno, ya sabes, crackeando, hackeando, escribiendo tus essays, descubriendo las herramientas para navegar el unchartered web del más allá. Pronto estaremos nuevamente a tu lado, para seguir batalleando and having fun in the mean time 🙂

    Nos veremos pronto amigo mío,
    Don Quijote

  13. Comment por kidd | 05/17/09 at 6:36 pm

    Un maestro del que hemos aprendido muchos,
    un lugar de referencia,
    un punto de encuentro,
    una manera de entender la realidad.

    Gracias +f.

  14. Comment por a friend fravia never knew | 01/07/10 at 12:21 am

    (webmaster, you might not want to publish this or maybe you want to. I don’t care. It’s yours now. It’s 100% unique content, I am too much of a coward to publish it on my own site due to the fascists always following me. It identifies me etough as it is! Maybe one day I will publish it I don’t know. It’s what I wrote on the night that I found out fravia was dead)

    I can only browse sporadically tonight. the site that does load, albeit with difficulties is google.
    But I search stuff, I click on the results and they time out.
    Tried firefox, opera, IE they are all the same.
    Checking for new virus definition files never fails, Norton is ok, Spybot is ok Superantispyware is ok.
    Get back to google, takes 2 mins to load.
    Turn off modem, let it «cool» (three months on!) go downstairs, grab a bite, drink some cheap wine, watch some TV..
    Restarted the modem, restarted the switcher, tried google, it kind of loads but slow.
    Turn palomino pc on, it flies about. wait it’s only the new installation, see google. Google comes up quick.
    search for bananas.
    Click on results… wait… time out.
    So it’s not the PC.
    I hate this. Fasteweb are the best in Italy but my telephone is off the modem. Apart from the fact that I never EVER managed to speak to anyone for the two years I have been with them, if my modem goes I can’t even try anymore.
    They’ll just achieve ISP nirvana: get the money for doing crap all.
    Sod them I’ll declace the credit card lost and change the numbers. Try and get the money out you fuckers I’ll get an USB key and get reconnected in three hours you shits.
    But it’s in my mother’s name. They just have to send one illegal but mildly threatening letter and she coughs out the money.
    She’s from Veneto you see. Over here, just give ‘em a wiff of a hint of a bill and they’ll queue up to pay.
    Never mind what it is they’ll pay because «you are wrong not to pay your bills».
    Aaaaanyway back to when I was trying to find out what was wrong.
    Quite powerless, both pcs can’t connect, it is the pcs it’s the line.
    So I am cliking about and google doesn’t want to give me any results so I click off and try my sites. Both hostings.
    All dead. Try yahoo, dead. By now I Am giving up but I click on Fravia’s site. It loads in one second. I am a bit drunk but I can immediately see that it isn’t the same old page, just some text…from his mother and his sister…. oh nooooooo FRAVIA’S DEAD.
    Ohhhhhh noooooooooo!!!! I speed read the whole lot in one second, I read the words in german, in english in Italian, what is going on, am I losing my mind am I alluncinating???What language is this written on? I must concentrate to understand but I can’t, sometime I read in Italian, german, english… all languages of my present and past… I click here and there I go to google I search fravia, more sites come up and load immediately they all mention fravia’s dead.

    I never had a clue where he was, now here’s his photo, another photo, his age, he was 56 never knew who he was, what he did I just knew his strange site that I didn’t even visit that often but it was one of those places that taught me s-o much I never even had to read it, I simply just scanned it and got off it and that’s all I needed, I just went there to fill up with juice. I stared at the pictures and learned.
    you need more of this on the net. This is one of those deaths that make me angry.
    An out-of-style. I think I have a back up of his site but I am giving this lousy typing a rest now and see if I have some means installed so that I may download and back up his whole site before something happens to it.

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