Random IRC quote :      <coder> el firewall no os lo aconsejo, porque protege tanto que no se puede usar el emule

LaCon2k16 Call For Pulpos


We are proud to present the call for papers for Lacon 2016!, get your papers in now. We are accepting short talks of 30min and long talks of ~1h.


conf will be held from the 23rd to the 25th of Sept 2016


undisclosed location


a bunch of crazy bastards


topics include:

  • h/p/v/c/e …
  • satellites, antennas and radioactive crap
  • cryptocurrencies
  • human powered vehicles
  • knitting
  • radare2
  • cats
  • cyborgs
  • 8===========D


submit your talk proposals to lacon2k16.org@lists.48bits.com


gpg –keyserver pgp.mit.edu –recv-key 0BC0E27E

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